Tag: free shipping

Time to Take a Stand!

So, I am pro-democracy. I’ll state that right up front. You’d think most people in the Western World would be pro-democracy, but given the rise of Trump and the neo-Nazis in the US (and other fascist factions elsewhere in the developed and developing world), it’s not necessarily a given any more.

Given the state of American and world affairs, I realize we all need to take a stand.

We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.
– Elie Wiesel.

So this is my stand.

This week my technical task is to make it so that 10% of every purchase goes to support Amy McGrath in her campaign against Mitch McConnell. McConnell has proven himself to be anti-democracy in just about every way. If our country is to recover from this turbulent period, he must be ousted from power. Amy McGrath is our best chance of ousting him.

I feel so strongly about this that if you send me proof that you have already donated to McGrath’s campaign, I will also give you up to $50 free shipping. That’s basically free shipping on any piece up to (and including) 16″x20″ paintings!

At this point in my life, I don’t have a lot of money to give, but I desperately want a better world for my son. This is how I can manage to give.

(After the primaries, I will expand the free shipping offer to the Democratic presidential nominee, as well as a variety of other crucial Senate (and in some cases, Representative) races where the Republican running has shown a distinct favor for white supremacy, nationalism (as opposed to patriotism), fascism, or other traits that are contrary to the ideals of America.)

So this is where I stand. I hope that you stand with me.